Tuesday, November 21, 2006

tesla motors... electric car with teeth

What's not to love about this car? 100% electric, 0-60 in 4 seconds? Check out this car from the designers of the Lotus...

From what I hear, this car will run you a $100k, but the future is a knockin'...

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Hours in the life

Been awhile since I've touched this blogging thing so I figured I'd put my latest musings up here for fun. Part of my conundrum with blogging is I can't decide whether or not hours online trolling the universe is a good use of my time. I wonder that at the same time that I dedicate literally days of my life to games like World of Warcraft and Half-Life 2. The question comes down to what do I get out of games that makes me want to play them for hours and hours (and hours and hours...), while at the same time I mutter about not having enough time for things that would seem to trump such selfish persuits...

...hmm, perhaps that's just the thing. Games are something I do for myself and no one else. There are constant challenges in my life that beg me to make the lives of everyone else around me easier, but my late night time when the world is quiet and I can veg out and wander through Blackrock Spire fulfills a hungry selfishness inside me. I imagine most people out there have something like that.

Maybe blogging could fulfill that for me, too... I guess time will tell.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

In the beginning, there was...

... probably not blogging. But you have to start somewhere. Blogging is a new thing to me; I'm not totally sure I get it at this point. I can't decide if I think it is the ultimate evolution of narcissism, a diary that you actually want the world to see, or if it really is the ultimate embodiment of free-speech and all that jazz. In fact, as I write this, I'm not wholly convinced that anyone other than me will ever read this... anyway, what better way to figure these things out than to just jump in? Besides, it just sorta makes sense given my life as web programming guy that I should find out more about this weird 3 billion headed monster known as Blog.

So I guess that's the beginning.